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Our Partners

Our Supporters

Flying Squirrel Adventures is a program of the Blomidon Naturalists
Society.  Our work is made possible through the efforts, support and
inspiration of many.  We are grateful to all who help us in this work and above
all to the land, air, water and the countless non-human beings that make life
possible and inspire us every day.  

We also recognize that the outdoor play and learning we foster would not be
possible without access to the natural world that has been tended since time
immemorial by the many Indigenous peoples of this land. We have a
responsibility to honour and learn about their histories and current cultures
and to actively work in support of reconciliation. We are committed to these
things and to fostering respectful and sustainable relationships.  This is on-
going work from which we humbly learn from.

Our Partners

Kids Action Program
Valley Community Learning Association
Nature Canada
Black Rock Trails Society
Earth Adventures

Our Funding

Nature Canada

We also thank individuals who have made a financial donation or a contribution of their time to enliven and enrich our work. We appreciate all the support we receive from our community to allow us to provide our programs on a sliding scale so that we made make nature accessible to
more people.

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